Choose From 3 Plans To Suit Your Needs!
Including inpatient cover of HK $80,000 (Plan 2) and 25 free GP visits (Plan 3)
住院保障高達港幣80,000元(計劃 II)及高達全年25次免費普通科門診服務(計劃 III)
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MoneyHero Insurance Brokers Limited (the "Broker" /MIBL) is remunerated for its services by the receipt of commission paid by Allied World Assurance Company, Ltd. (Hong Kong Branch).
Your agreement to proceed with this insurance transaction shall constitute your consent to the receipt of commission by the Broker.
You confirm that all of your online application process was completed within Hong Kong.
Policy will only be valid only if the application is completed within Hong Kong and the journey must depart from Hong Kong (only applicable to Travel Insurance). Please read through the Terms & Conditions and Exclusions of the product leaflet and policy document before enrolment.
MoneyHero Insurance Brokers Limited (「保險經紀」/MIBL)藉向Allied World Assurance Company, Ltd 世聯保險有限公司收取的佣金 ,作為其所提供服務的酬金。
閣下同意進行是項保險交易, 即構成閣下同意保險經紀收取佣金。
Confirm to proceed 確認並繼續
Please note that Allied World Assurance Company, Ltd (“Allied World”) will not provide cover under its travel insurance policies for any claims related to, directly or indirectly, any travel to or through any place in which a known event, risk or circumstance has occurred, or is occurring, which is known, or ought to be known, on or before the date of either the journey (for annual policies) or the date of purchasing the travel insurance (for single trip policies), to increase the likelihood of a loss otherwise covered by the travel insurance.
In addition, Allied World will not provide cover under its travel insurance policies for any claims related to, directly or indirectly, any travel to or through a place that is the subject of a prohibition or warning against travel, issued by any relevant intergovernmental agency, body or authority, any relevant agency, body or authority of the government of Hong Kong (including alerts given by the Outbound Travel System), on or before either the date of the journey (for annual policies) or the date of purchasing the travel insurance (for single trip policies).
Given that the World Health Organization has declared Covid-19 a pandemic on 11 March 2020, Allied World will not provide cover under its travel insurance policies for any claims related to, directly or indirectly, Covid-19, regardless of the place of travel for all travel policies purchased (for single trip policies) or for journeys commencing (for annual policies) on or after 12 am (midnight) on 12 March 2020.
請注意,Allied World Assurance Company, Ltd(以下簡稱 “Allied World”)不會對本公司的旅遊保險保單提供保障予任何旅程在行程出發日或之前(適用於全年保單) 或購買保險當日或之前(適用於單次行程保單) ,該旅程前往或途經某地區,而受保人已知悉或應當知悉該地區有事件或情況經已發生或正在發生,並因此將會增加本保險需要賠償的機會, 而直接或間接引致的損失。
此外,Allied World不會對本公司的旅遊保險保單提供保障予任何旅程在行程出發日或之前(適用於全年保單) 或購買保險當日或之前(適用於單次行程保單) , 該旅程前往或途經某地區,而該地區被有關政府間組織、當局或機構、或香港政府當局、部門或機構發出禁止出發或旅遊警示 (包括外遊警示制度下的警示), 而直接或間接引致的損失。
鑑於世界衛生組織已於2020年3月11日宣布Covid-19為大流行,所有由2020年3月12日凌晨12:00 (香港時間)及以後簽發的旅遊保單 (適用於單次行程保單) 或由2020年3月12日凌晨12:00 (香港時間) 及以後出發的行程 (適用於全年保單) , Allied World 將不會對該旅遊保單提供保障予任何,直接或間接, 與 Covid-19相關的索償,不論任何目的地。